Monday, February 1, 2010


It's good to be home.

The reason i stopped blogging a looong time ago was because i honestly had no time the beginning of sophomore year. Well, it's the second semester and i think that it's about time for me to pick up blogging again. So i give you... *Dum Dum Dah DUUUUUUM* drum-roll please.... "TwentyOneFrets".

I'll explain the title.

Even though Wikipedia tells me that a standard guitar has anywhere between 19 and 27 frets, mine all have 21. Now i picked this title for two reasons.

1.) Guitars and playing music are two of my absolute favorite things to do. I loooove guitars, and i desperately want to learn and grow as a musician.

2.) Lets see if you can follow this convoluted metaphor: My guitars have twenty one frets, and six strings. Now you can play a near infinite source of music on those 21 frets and 6 strings. That is a near infinite amount of beauty and art that a person can create, as well as a near infinite source of joy, sadness, and any other emotion you can think of. I draw a connection between this and life.

Namely music and life, because for me, the two are equally important.

So. That's my big first post about this blog. I will be consistently posting new stuff on a very rigid whenever-the-hell-i-feel-like-it schedule...or roughly every few days.

Also, on the old blog i generally signed off with a song. So here's a very special song.

It's done by 3 Doors Down and i can honestly say it changed my life.

"Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not."

I've tried to make this my motto.

Anyhoo, here's the song.

"It's The Only One You've Got" 3 Doors Down




  1. I was wondering what the 21 Frets reference was. Now you're probably wondering "How did anyone find this blog I just put up?". Easy answer...from the favs list on your dad's blog. Mr. Funner and I have been kicking each other's *ss for the past year via our blogs..hell, I even call him once in a while just to give him a hard time. Anyhow, congrats on the blog. Blogs give us freedom to write what we sometimes cannot or will not say...they give us a chance for creativity.

    ps. I've seen a few vids of your guitar playing...pretty good...actually very good.



  2. Likewise, Mr Funner is quite popular on the blogging circuit so I had to come over and see what you're up to. I like the way you talk about music and your guitar. I am completely unfamiliar with how a guitar works from your point of view as a musician. I just love the way it sounds when played well. I look forward to hearing more of your musings. Welcome (back) to the blogosphere!

  3. What a great analogy to life!! AWESOME! Can I steal it? :) Great first post! I have a beautiful red accoustic guitar in my bedroom collecting dust, you may have just inspired me to pick it up!
    Rock on Sam!

  4. Thanks for the comments guys! I'll need to thank Mr. Funner later...

  5. Your dad is "sort of a big deal" in blogging circles and I found your blog through him. Music is near and dear to my heart. My dad played guitar in a high school band in the 1960's and still plays. I wish I played a cool instrument but instead played the flute for 6 years. In any case, I'm looking forward to your posts and your sign off songs. :)

  6. Nice one, Sam.
    Glad to see your back posting and ending with a tune.

  7. Again, that you everyone! Stay tuned.


  8. Hey Sam! Had to check out your blog! I'd say that's a good motto! Enjoyed the song, really like 3 Doors Down. In fact, I like all kinds of music - my iTunes is a real hodge podge, Louis Armstrong, the Eagles, Pavarotti, disco, you name it. I'm likely to be spotted singing at the top of my lungs at a stoplight. I never learned to play an instrument though, so this is my first lesson (what is a fret?). Looking forward to your journey, thanks for sharing it with us!

  9. Same for me with the music! I've got a pretty wide variety of stuff on iTunes/iPod. Oh, and a fret is the little lines going up a guitar neck, the closer to the body of the guitar, the higher the pitch of the note you play.
