Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hey there! How you doin'?

So there is 3 feet of snow on the ground.

See, for any out-of-state readers, 3ft of snow in Washington DC is the equivalent of a nuclear holocaust. No one is outside. All the stores are closed. Trees fall in the streets. No one has any power (except me). It's basically the end of the world.

I'm kidding. Sort of.

While some people go absolutely bonkers, us normal people get to sit back and enjoy the snow. So far, i have succeeded in procrastinating over all my school work, got a pretty cool book (World War Z, zombie book, pretty sweet, check it out) and learned some new riffs (Latin guitar, pretty cool stuff)

It's been pretty nice so far!

This post is mostly me rambling. I apologize for that.


Here's an little something:

I've been trying to get comfortable singing, because i'd love to be a guitarist AND a singer. And so far it's been pretty going pretty good. But here's the thing: I am NERVOUS when i do! I think i've gotten better, but it's so different than playing a guitar. Plus, in my opinion, a lot less consistent.

Ah well. Something to work on i suppose.

Aaaaand, here's your song! Pretty popular in the 90's, and totally my type of music (plus i learned and love the chord progression)

Run Around- Blues Traveler:





  1. Sam, I was keeping an eye on that storm and thinking about you guys on the east coast area. I put in a couple of unanswered calls to mr funner, I hope you were out there shoveling for him...or at least putting de-icer in his beard.



  2. The shoveling was insane! We have literally 22ft piles of snow all around our neighborhood..

  3. Sam, latin guitar! I love that. Hope you do more of it. Stay warm and dry!
