Sunday, February 14, 2010

The One About Valentines Day

"Another lonely Valentines day..ho-hum"


Stop that.

Cheer up!

Today's post is only about the holiday we refer to as Valentines Day.

Now if you've got a significant other, good for you! You're a luckier man/woman/child than me, but if you don't.....cheer up for Christsakes. Very few things in life are permanent, and you can change anything that you aren't happy with. If you don't like your position in life, then change it! Do your very best to try and improve.

And above happy. Things will always get better.

Here's a nice upbeat song.

Einstein On The Beach- Counting Crows

Personal note: I can't control how a person might feel. I pride myself on doing the right thing and being the very best person i can be, nothing i'm every going to do is going to intentionally go against this. All i can do is do the best i can to my ability.

That's all anyone can do.


1 comment:

  1. You get what you give...give a lot, get a lot. eventually.
