Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting my 'Sessions'!

"Don't want no damn religion, because I'm not prepared to die"

Great lyric.

Moving on!

Today was....fantastic, to say the least. This past week has just been one of those weeks where you feel so very lucky to be alive, and i've enjoyed every minute of it. It's been a great week for several reasons. Some of those reasons have really contributed the most to make this week amazing, but i suppose that's another story.

Anyhoo! I'd say i'm super excited for these coming weeks, and in my mind they can only keep getting better! So a re-cap of this short little post is...try to enjoy your life. Sometimes all it takes is to really think about your situation to realize how very lucky you are.

And take a look at that song! Sessions- Counting Crows.



Friday, February 19, 2010

All i can say is that my life is pretty plain...

It's finally Friday! I would be lying if i said i wasn't super happy right now, i have SUCH a great weekend planned out! This Friday afternoon has been terrific so far, mostly because i just got back from a great lesson, learned a new song, and really fixed up my acoustic to a really sweet guitar. (not that it wasn't sweet before, it's just mega-sweet now)

Then tomorrow i've got band practice with some buddies, which is always fun, and hopefully we'll finish up our set list. Then Sunday should also be pretty great! Fun plans, and then swimming in the afternoon.

Now i'm not gonna lie, these past few weeks have been tough. But i think everybody's owed some time to be in a funk, thing is, i'm done with it. Things can only get better from here, and maybe i'll take some of my own advice for once and cheer up!

Anyhoo, here's the song i learned today, and the newest addition to the band's set list!


No Rain- Blind Melon


Monday, February 15, 2010

Don't think about it too much.

************I'm typing this on our ancient Mac, so if anything is misspelled, please forgive me and i'll fix it when i get the laptop back*********

So we are finally going back to school after almost two weeks off. And I've gotta say, the last couple of days have been really, really interesting. My last post was also kind of a downer, so i guess this one is the one where i come back and have something optimistic to say.

But the truth is, this is a blog, and the only purpose it serves is for me to basically say what i'm thinking. Most of these posts aren't planned out so if i have a downer post one day...well that's just how i feel.

However, today has been a pretty good day.

Originally i was going to post a piece of writing that i had been working on over our snow break, but then i decided against it, because it is also kind of a downer, and might be a little confusing. But i think that that's ok. Because this is something that is true, and genuine, so i have no problem sharing that with anyone reading this.

(and for the few of my close friends who do read this blog, don't worry, i'm fine, this is just how i've been feeling)

He's sitting alone, staring at his computer screen, listening to the piano in the background. The singer's voice is masculine, but tender and seems to reflect how he's feeling in his heart. He doesn't know what to think anymore, only knowing that he can feel the unpleasant feeling creeping through his body, a feeling that can only be described as disgust, or resentment. Perhaps a mixture of the two. These feelings begin to well up inside of him, begin to consume his mind until only blurred colors and noise is left. So he does the only thing he can do, he stand up and walks out into the falling snow. The snow is cold as it falls in his hair, his mouth and his eyes. His body grows numb and the wind begins to sting his skin. But there is beauty in the snow; in the sadness. Ever the optimist, he tells himself everything will be alright. But ever the cynic, he knows that all the facts remain. He'll try to play it off, he might even come close to believing himself. But all he can do is put on that special smile he has, the special smile his friends have come to know.

Now, a few days later, he's one the floor. The constant rythm of push-ups and the burning in his arms seems to fit with the electric guitar and yelling voices in the background. He's not going to cry. It doesn't hurt that much, and if it did, he couldn't. As he gets to fifty he turns over onto his back and begins the sit-ups. It's a certain therapy which he has perfected in the past...but it doesn't always seem to work. It helps him, but nothing is fixed. But now he's ready, he has been for longer than he might have realized before.

But now this.

He didn't want to know that, he didn't want to accept that. To accept this. He tells himself he won't pay attention, that he'll shut those thoughts out. But, like a drug, he goes back and continues to look for more. He doesn't want to accept this. But he knows it really doesn't matter either way. And those feelings start coming back, the resentment, and the disgust. It surprises him. He thought he was better than petty jealousy.

But he's stronger than that, and he tries to make the steps to understand that things in the past are in the past for a reason.

She. Him and her..them? Just words he tells himself. Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

And he smiles to himself. The piano has come back on in the background.

Everything is going to be alright.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

The One About Valentines Day

"Another lonely Valentines day..ho-hum"


Stop that.

Cheer up!

Today's post is only about the holiday we refer to as Valentines Day.

Now if you've got a significant other, good for you! You're a luckier man/woman/child than me, but if you don't.....cheer up for Christsakes. Very few things in life are permanent, and you can change anything that you aren't happy with. If you don't like your position in life, then change it! Do your very best to try and improve.

And above happy. Things will always get better.

Here's a nice upbeat song.

Einstein On The Beach- Counting Crows

Personal note: I can't control how a person might feel. I pride myself on doing the right thing and being the very best person i can be, nothing i'm every going to do is going to intentionally go against this. All i can do is do the best i can to my ability.

That's all anyone can do.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hey there! How you doin'?

So there is 3 feet of snow on the ground.

See, for any out-of-state readers, 3ft of snow in Washington DC is the equivalent of a nuclear holocaust. No one is outside. All the stores are closed. Trees fall in the streets. No one has any power (except me). It's basically the end of the world.

I'm kidding. Sort of.

While some people go absolutely bonkers, us normal people get to sit back and enjoy the snow. So far, i have succeeded in procrastinating over all my school work, got a pretty cool book (World War Z, zombie book, pretty sweet, check it out) and learned some new riffs (Latin guitar, pretty cool stuff)

It's been pretty nice so far!

This post is mostly me rambling. I apologize for that.


Here's an little something:

I've been trying to get comfortable singing, because i'd love to be a guitarist AND a singer. And so far it's been pretty going pretty good. But here's the thing: I am NERVOUS when i do! I think i've gotten better, but it's so different than playing a guitar. Plus, in my opinion, a lot less consistent.

Ah well. Something to work on i suppose.

Aaaaand, here's your song! Pretty popular in the 90's, and totally my type of music (plus i learned and love the chord progression)

Run Around- Blues Traveler:




Friday, February 5, 2010


That was one of the harder things I've ever had to do.

But life still goes on. It's not going to stop because something you had to do was difficult, you've got to keep running along with it. You've got to be able to move on.

You've got to do the right thing, and be the best person you possibly can be. You've got to give it your best shot and hope for the best.

Because that's what life is. It's a series of decisions where you need to decide how to act. Hopefully, things work out in the end.

I'd like anyone who has ever made a tough decision, and wants to move on, and continue to live life to listen to this song.

It's sad..but hopeful.

Long December- Counting Crows.

Check it out.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Teachers...and Uncle Chunky

So for this entry i'd like to talk about teachers who are very important in my life.

I have two incredible teachers, Mike Sampson who teaches me jazz, and Tony Grasso who teaches me blues and rock. Now i love learning jazz, i find it interesting and VERY challenging. But i absolutely adore blues. Musicians such as B.B. King, Buddy Guy, and especially Eric Clapton are my idols. I'd love to be able to play as well as they do someday.

We're getting off topic here.

Anyhoo, this entry is mainly about Tony Grasso and his band, Uncle Chunky. It's mainly blues-rock and they sound awesome. So I figured I'd just share a few links with whoever is reading this.

Here yah go:

Check 'em out.


Monday, February 1, 2010


It's good to be home.

The reason i stopped blogging a looong time ago was because i honestly had no time the beginning of sophomore year. Well, it's the second semester and i think that it's about time for me to pick up blogging again. So i give you... *Dum Dum Dah DUUUUUUM* drum-roll please.... "TwentyOneFrets".

I'll explain the title.

Even though Wikipedia tells me that a standard guitar has anywhere between 19 and 27 frets, mine all have 21. Now i picked this title for two reasons.

1.) Guitars and playing music are two of my absolute favorite things to do. I loooove guitars, and i desperately want to learn and grow as a musician.

2.) Lets see if you can follow this convoluted metaphor: My guitars have twenty one frets, and six strings. Now you can play a near infinite source of music on those 21 frets and 6 strings. That is a near infinite amount of beauty and art that a person can create, as well as a near infinite source of joy, sadness, and any other emotion you can think of. I draw a connection between this and life.

Namely music and life, because for me, the two are equally important.

So. That's my big first post about this blog. I will be consistently posting new stuff on a very rigid whenever-the-hell-i-feel-like-it schedule...or roughly every few days.

Also, on the old blog i generally signed off with a song. So here's a very special song.

It's done by 3 Doors Down and i can honestly say it changed my life.

"Your mistakes do not define you now, they tell you who you're not."

I've tried to make this my motto.

Anyhoo, here's the song.

"It's The Only One You've Got" 3 Doors Down

