Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm not too sure what to call this one.

There's this girl. And. She's dating a close friend of mine, and. People our age are cruel. See, this girl has a past, and apparently she's made some incredibly stupid choices, but so has EVERYONE and it's completely messed up because kids just dig into those choices and twist and manipulate and distort them until nothing's left. That's not right. Cause i was reading this girls tumblr, cause she and my girlfriend have become friends, and she's honestly an amazing person. Like. Really. I barely know who she is as a person, but i can see she's not 'that girl'. Or, she's not now. Maybe she never was? It's not my place, or my right to speculate on that. All i know is that she makes my friend happy, and i can only assume he makes her happy. And that's all that really matters, y'know? The point is, the hypocrisy in people these days is astounding, and i'm regularly ashamed of what a hypocrite i can be. Must be something they put in the water. Point is; hop off.

Next, why are kids so damn sad these days?? (Again, me being a hypocrite, -insert endearing smile here-) Oh wait. I know why. Cause things are f@%%ing different now. I wasn't shaken when i saw the cops shooting at some dude a few weeks ago. I wasn't shaken when i saw a major drug deal going down (major). I'm not bothered at all with chatting with the pregnant 14 year olds in the nurses office. I wasn't phased when i heard this chick tried to blow up my school. Now i don't pretend to know why i'm not bothered by this stuff, but you gotta figure, maybe this stuff is why kids are so sad. I mean, that and the doctors giving medicine to 4 year olds that can't sit still. But. That's another rant.

Lastly, my band's first gig is tomorrow!! To say i'm excited is an understatement. And for those 45 minutes where i'm playing it up on stage, and my friends and family and people i love are watching me are there...well. I can forget about this stuff. Cause that's how i deal with this...stuff. Music. You should try it sometime. And. If any of you who read this know the girl i was talking about up there? Try and be a little less...cruel. And listen to this. Please.

Annie- Safteysuit

"There was a girl named Annie
She had a very pretty face..."




  1. best post yet, sam.

    very proud...


  2. Very intuitive. Probably my favorite part is where you mention that doctors prescribe meds to 4-year-olds who can't sit still. We're such an over-medded society. Do you know any toddlers who can sit still? I sure don't!

    We think we have all the answers but in truth we have no clue.
